38 Results for:

April 28, 2005

United States
Central banks, cheerleaders and paper losses

This week’s Economist looks at the "paper" losses that central banks issuing local currency (or selling local currency debt) to buy foreign exchange reserves would incur in the event of the revaluati…

March 5, 2006

Financial Markets
Subsidized both by the Chinese government and the US government …

I am talking about housing, of course.  And it seems everyone else is too.   Starting with the New York Times Magazine.    No wonder.   Everyone wants to know what will happen to real estate prices…

May 10, 2012

Defense and Security
The World Next Week: Iran-IAEA Talks, G8 Summit, President Hollande, and the Cannes Film Festival

The World Next Week podcast is up. Bob McMahon and I discussed next week’s talks in Vienna between the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran; the Group of Eight (G8) summit at Camp David…


December 1, 2017

Political History and Theory
Ten Historical Anniversaries of Note in 2018

As 2017 comes to a close, here are ten notable historical anniversaries to mark in 2018.

British soldiers marking the anniversary of the armistice that ended WW1.