390 Results for:

May 24, 2018

American Debt: Causes, Consequences, and Fixes

The American Debt: Causes, Consequences, and Fixes symposium was held on May 24, 2018 in honor and memory of Peter G. Peterson, who passed away on March 20, 2018. Peterson served as Chairman of the C…


December 20, 2022

Social Justice Webinar: Healthcare Equity and Accessibility Around the World

William Hsiao, K.T. Li professor of economics emeritus in the department of health policy and management and department of global health and population at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, a…

Play Healthcare Equity and Accessibility Around the World

April 2, 2024

United States
RealEcon Launch: Reimagining American Economic Leadership

With RealEcon, CFR is creating an initiative to study and debate the role of the United States in the international economy. The launch event of this multiyear, multifaceted initiative will explore w…

Play CFR President Michael Froman in conversation with columnist Gillian Tett and Canada’s Ambassador to the United States Kristen Hillman

October 18, 2023

CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series: Getting Russia Right by Thomas Graham

As U.S.-Russian relations scrape the depths of Cold War antagonism, the promise of partnership that beguiled American administrations during the first post-Soviet decades increasingly appears to have…

Play National flags of Russia and the U.S. fly at Vnukovo International Airport in Moscow, Russia.

May 26, 2022

Refugees and Displaced Persons
Ukraine, Humanitarian Parole, and Refugee Resettlement

Kelly A. Gauger, deputy director in the Office of Refugee Admissions at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and Kit Taintor, vice president of policy and pract…

Play Image

October 10, 2013

Foreign Affairs Media Call on the Nomination of Janet Yellen to Chair the Federal Reserve

Harvard University professor and economist Martin S. Feldstein and Peterson Institute for International Economics President Adam S. Posen discuss the nomination of Federal Reserve Vice Chairwoman Jan…


November 14, 2023

Foreign Affairs November/December Issue Launch: Who Killed the Chinese Economy?

Foreign Affairs Executive Editor Justin Vogt and authors Zongyuan Zoe Liu, Michael Pettis, and Adam S. Posen launch the November/December 2023 issue of Foreign Affairs and discuss the Chinese economy…

Play A bank employee counts Chinese Yuan.