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April 17, 2023

C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics With Christine Lagarde

President Christine Lagarde of the European Central Bank discusses inflation, interest rates, and the challenges facing Europe’s economic recovery. The C. Peter McColough Series on International E…

Play Christine Lagarde talking at event in front of EU flag

May 18, 2023

C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics With Martin Wolf

Martin Wolf discusses the relationship between capitalism and democracy, the origins of the “democratic recession” of the last decade and a half, and ways to strengthen democratic capitalism against …

Play Financial Times newspaper shown with other newspapers around it

June 12, 2024

Middle East and North Africa
CFR Fellows’ Book Launch Series: The End of Ambition: America’s Past, Present, and Future in the Middle East by Steven Cook

In The End of Ambition, Steven A. Cook boldly claims that despite setbacks and moral costs, the United States has had a record of success in the Middle East. Yet, beginning in the 1990s, those achiev…

Play Steven Cook speaks on CFR stage.

February 21, 2023

C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics With Wally Adeyemo

As the one-year mark of the Russian invasion of Ukraine approaches, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo discusses the U.S. coalition’s sanctions strategy, its effectiveness, and the challeng…

Play Wally Adeyemo looking to the left while speaking on stage at CFR

March 22, 2023

Paul C. Warnke Lecture on International Security With Rafael Mariano Grossi

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi discusses IAEA efforts to address the nuclear safety and security situation in Ukraine, and the main proliferation cha…

Play Rafael Mariano Grossi sits at table near mic

May 28, 2024

Ukraine’s Economic Recovery: Remarks and a Conversation with Penny Pritzker

U.S. Special Representative Penny Pritzker discusses ongoing Ukraine recovery and reconstruction efforts, having just returned from three trips to Ukraine in six weeks, including joining the Secretar…

Play Penny Pritzker Talking