1,666 Results for:

May 21, 2009

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
A View from the Hill: U.S. National Security

Watch Representative John M. McHugh provide his insights on the role will Republicans play in shaping future U.S. national security policy.


May 21, 2009

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
A View from the Hill: U.S. National Security

Speaker:John M. McHughMember, U.S. House of Representatives (R-NY); Ranking Member, House Armed Services Committee Presider:Thom ShankerPentagon Correspondent, The New York Times Writing in Roll Ca…


April 28, 2010

U.S. Security Assistance to Mexico: A View From the Hill

As Mexico continues to struggle with the effects of illegal activity within and along its border region, evidenced by dramatic growth in drug-related violence, join U.S. Representative Kay Granger fo…


April 21, 2009

Afghanistan, Pakistan, and U.S. National Security Symposium: A View from the Hill

Watch Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) offer his view of the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan and his assessment of President Barack Obama's new strategy for the region. This conversation was pa…


May 13, 2011

United States
CEO Speaker Series, "American Revival: A Conversation with Jonathan Browning, President and CEO, Volkswagen Group of America, Inc."

Fundamental fiscal challenges and a fragmented political system are fueling concerns about the United States as an investment destination. Yet, Volkswagen, an iconic brand worldwide, is nearing compl…


February 21, 2024

Screening and Discussion of "Putin vs The West: At War"

Putin vs The West, a three-part series produced by Brook Lapping, tells the inside story of how the West has struggled to deal with Vladimir Putin, told by the presidents and prime ministers who work…

Play U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin seated in front of a display of books, with the flags of both nations in the background.