22 Results for:

August 18, 2016

The World Next Week: August 18, 2016

U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden visits Turkey, Ukraine marks twenty five years as an independent nation, and the Rio Olympics come to an end.


November 9, 2017

Donald Trump
Presidential War Powers

CFR's John B. Bellinger III joins James M. Lindsay and Robert McMahon to examine the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

Podcast TPI_11_09_2017

March 6, 2020

The Rise of Digital Dictators, With Andrea Kendall-Taylor

Andrea Kendall-Taylor, senior fellow and director of the Transatlantic Security Program at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss the increasing use…

Podcast Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and Chinese President Xi Jinping visit an exhibition on the history of the Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia.

October 23, 2019

United States
The Big Red Button

A U.S. president can launch a first-strike nuclear attack at any time and, according to the law, does not need to seek advice first. Some experts think that’s too much power to put in one person’s ha…

Podcast Ballistic missile being launched from the ocean.

June 28, 2022

Advancing LGBTQI+ Rights, With Julie Dorf

Julie Dorf, co-chair of the Council for Global Equality, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss what the United States has done and could do to advance LGBTQI+ rights around the world.

Podcast Rainbow White House for Pride Month