6 Results for:

September 18, 2024

Election 2024
Why Is the World Obsessed with the U.S. Election? Ask Germany

The world is watching the U.S. presidential contest between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris with intense interest. Few countries are tracking the race more closely than…

Podcast Diners watch former U.S. President Donald Trump and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris debate for the first time during the only presidential election campaign.

March 27, 2024

UFOs: Close Encounters of the National Security Kind

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are real. And the truth about them is often hidden from the public, for reasons related to national security. That secrecy has fed conspiracy theories about the pos…

Podcast Sign for UFO "self parking" against a blue sky.

April 26, 2023

National Security and Defense Program
Army of Some: Recruiting Trouble for the All-Volunteer Force

All current U.S. military personnel have one thing in common: they volunteered. But falling recruitment has raised questions of national security, military readiness, and the health of U.S. society. …

Podcast Soldier surrounded by fellow service members holds right hand up in pledge.

July 7, 2016

Podcast: China’s Offensive in Europe

In this week’s Asia Unbound podcast I speak with Philippe Le Corre, visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, about his new book with Alain Sepulchre, China’s Offensive in Europe. Le Corre is a k…

Podcast China's Offensive in Europe