147 Results for:

April 17, 2005

Globalization: What’s New?

From the streets of Seattle to corporate boardrooms to new factories in third-world nations, globalization is subject to very different and often explosively divergent interpretations. Where some see…

October 9, 2018

Donald Trump
The Corrosion of Conservatism

Max Boot recounts his extraordinary journey from lifelong Republican to vehement Trump opponent. From the isolated position of a man without a party, Boot launches this bold declaration of dissent an…

October 19, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
Master of the Game

A perceptive and provocative history of Henry Kissinger’s diplomatic negotiations in the Middle East that illuminates the unique challenges and barriers Kissinger and his successors have faced in the…

October 17, 2023

Central Africa
The Lumumba Plot

A spellbinding work of history that reads like a Cold War spy thriller—about the U.S.-sanctioned plot to assassinate the democratically elected leader of the newly independent Congo.

August 1, 2007

Sub-Saharan Africa
Beyond Humanitarianism

Overview Africa is moving center stage in world politics, but not just for humanitarian reasons. Currently, 15 percent of U.S. oil imports come from Africa—as much as from the Middle East—and t…

September 26, 2023

Civil Society
The Identity Trap

One of our leading public intellectuals traces the origin of a set of ideas about identity and social justice that is rapidly transforming America—and explains why it will fail to accomplish its nobl…