14 Results for:

December 1, 2022

Beijing's Global Media Offensive

Joshua Kurlantzick analyzes China's attempts to become a media, information, and influence superpower, seeking for the first time to shape the domestic politics, local media, and information environm…

March 1, 2019

Arab Spring
False Dawn

A sweeping narrative account of the last five years in the Middle East and a timely argument of how and why the Arab uprisings failed.

December 1, 1997

United States
U.S. Foreign Policy After the Cold War

The cold war came to a grinding halt during the astounding developments of 1989-1991.The Berlin Wall fell, Eastern European countries freed themselves from Soviet domination, and the Soviet Union its…

April 23, 2010

Political History and Theory
The Icarus Syndrome

Read an excerpt of The Icarus Syndrome. In The Icarus Syndrome, Peter Beinart tells a tale as old as the Greeks—a story about the seductions of success. Beinart describes Washington on the eve of …

August 6, 2007

Political History and Theory
God and Gold

An illuminating account by Walter Russell Mead of the birth and rise of the global political and economic system that, sustained first by Britain and now by America, created the modern world.