14 Results for:

April 3, 2017

A Cyberattack on the U.S. Power Grid

The U.S. power grid has long been considered a logical target for a major cyberattack. Besides the intrinsic importance of the power grid to a functioning U.S. society, all sixteen sectors of the U.S. economy deemed to make up the nation’s critical infrastructure rely on electricity. Disabling or otherwise interfering with the power grid in a significant way could thus seriously harm the United States.

Cyberattack on the US power grid

May 14, 2015

Strategic Risks of Ambiguity in Cyberspace

Introduction As major powers increasingly rely on digital networks for critical services, the number of plausible network attacks, accidents, or failures that could trigger or exacerbate an intern…

Strategic Risks of Ambiguity in Cyberspace header