23 Results for:

June 18, 2020

The China-India Border Dispute: What to Know

China and India’s border dispute turned deadly for the first time in more than four decades. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s response will be critical to de-escalation.

April 24, 2020

India: Fighting Coronavirus in an Informal Economy

India has so far prevented a major outbreak of the coronavirus, but the trade-off in doing so has meant hardship for those in the vast informal economy.

April 8, 2019

India’s Vast National Elections: What to Know

India is set to begin a mammoth six-week voting exercise to elect a new parliament amid high unemployment, conflict with Pakistan, and debates about its future as a secular nation.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks at the public rally at Brigade ground on April 3, 2019 in Kolkata, India.

October 2, 2023

How Firm Is Vladimir Putin’s Grip on Power?

President Vladimir Putin appears to be in firm control of Russia today, but in order to maintain it in the years ahead, he will have to manage at least three primary challenges.

November 15, 2018

APEC 2018 Is Missing a Major Asian Economy

One of Asia’s most important annual economic gatherings still does not include India, a flaw that undermines efforts to expand trade and innovation throughout the region.

India call center