46 Results for:

February 1, 2016

The Hacked World Order

Teaching Notes for The Hacked World Order by Adam Segal.

Segal HWO MC.jpg

April 2, 2020

Climate Change
Building a Resilient Tomorrow

Building a Resilient Tomorrow Teaching Notes by Alice C. Hill, Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow for Climate Change Policy

Building a Resilient Tomorrow Teaching Notes by Alice C. Hill

June 14, 2018

A Great Place to Have a War

Teaching Notes for A Great Place to Have a War, written by CFR Senior Fellow Joshua Kurlantzick, on the story of the CIA's covert war in Laos during the Vietnam War.

A Great Place to Have a War Teaching Notes

February 20, 2019

Arab Spring
False Dawn

Teaching Notes for False Dawn, written by Steven A. Cook, in which he examines why Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Turkey did not transition to democracy and explains how and why Middle East uprisings didn't succeed.

False Dawn

March 1, 2019

Public Health Threats and Pandemics
Plagues and the Paradox of Progress

Teaching Notes for Plagues and the Paradox of Progress, written by CFR Senior Fellow Thomas J. Bollyky, in which he traces the rise and fall of infectious disease and the challenges and opportunities that unprecedented health achievements pose for our future.

Teaching Notes for Plagues and the Paradox of Progress