51 Results for:

January 27, 2017

United States
Washington Must Rebuild Trust With Silicon Valley to Meet Cyber Threats, Argues Segal in New Report

Cyber threats are escalating in sophistication and magnitude, but mistrust between Washington and Silicon Valley continues to stymie progress on cybersecurity. In a new Council Special Report, Adam S…

May 7, 2003

To Avoid Deadly Violence in Papua, Council Commission Urges Immediate implementation of Special Autonomy Plan by Indonesian Government

New York, May 7, 2003 - There is only one way to avoid conflict in the remote and impoverished, yet resource-rich, Indonesian province of Papua: Give it greater self-governance and a stake in the de…

September 18, 2019

Technology and Innovation
Absent a New National Strategy, the U.S. Risks Losing Its Edge to China in Technology and Innovation, Warns Task Force

September 18, 2019—“The United States has led the world in innovation, research, and technology development since World War II, but that leadership is now at risk,” warns a new Council on Foreign Rel…

July 12, 2022

Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program
CFR Task Force Calls for a New Foreign Policy for a More Dangerous Cyberspace

“The era of the global internet is over,” declares a new Council on Foreign Relations-sponsored Independent Task Force report. “A free, global, and open internet was a worthy aspiration that helped g…

September 16, 2016

North Korea
U.S. Should Sharpen Strategy and Enlist China to Counter Threat from North Korea, Says CFR Task Force

A new Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Independent Task Force report, A Sharper Choice on North Korea: Engaging China for a Stable Northeast Asia, finds that the United States’ policy of “strategic…