19 Results for:

December 4, 2015

Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” Wins 2015 CFR Arthur Ross Book Award

French economist Thomas Piketty has won the fourteenth annual Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Arthur Ross Book Award for Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Belknap Press) and will receive $15,00…

April 11, 2014

United States
New CFR Scorecard Shows U.S. Corporate Tax System Keeps Foreign Profits Abroad

Nearly three decades after the last major tax overhaul, both Democratic and Republican parties and President Barack Obama agree that cutting the corporate tax rate and taxing foreign profits differen…

January 24, 2003

United States
Former Senior National Security Council Aide Eric Schwartz Joins the Council to Lead a Task Force on Post-Conflict Iraq

January 23, 2003 - Former NSC staffer Eric Schwartz has joined the Council to direct a new Council-sponsored Independent Task Force on Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Iraq. The Task Force will addres…

June 14, 2002

Refugees and Displaced Persons
World Refugee Day: It’s Time for Radical Change in Refugee Policy

WORLD REFUGEE DAY: It’s Time for Radical Change in Refugee Policy to Prevent Future Humanitarian Catastrophes, Argues Arthur Helton in New Council Book Contact: Lisa Shields, Director of Communica…

April 30, 2008

Grand Strategy
In the May/June 2008 Issue of Foreign Affairs

May/June 2008 Issue:Is the America Era Over?: Essays by Richard N. Haass and Fareed Zakaria"The Price of the Surge," by Steven Simon"Beyond Darfur," Andrew S. Natsios"The Trouble With Congo," by Séve…