80 Results for:

October 18, 2016

Energy and Climate Policy
Sustaining Fuel Subsidy Reform

Overview Fuel consumption subsidies threaten the fiscal and economic health of countries around the world. Economists widely agree that the subsidies, which reduce consumer prices for petroleum an…

Sustaining Fuel Subsidy Reform header

June 15, 2015

Islamic State
Countering Islamic State Exploitation of the Internet

The use of social media and other Internet-enabled communications by the self-proclaimed Islamic State is pushing the United States and other democracies to react to the abuse of liberal freedoms by …

Countering Islamic State Exploitation of the Internet header

December 6, 2013

Global Economics Monthly: December 2013

Bottom Line: Abenomics had an impressive start, but the structural reform agenda has bogged down, raising questions about whether macro policies alone can float the Japanese economy. Against the back…

October 28, 1999

Financial Markets
The American Stock Market as a Financial Risk

Overview Developed nation policymakers will not likely have to deal with a US stock market decline that precipitates a global downturn. Most likely, guided by active, informed markets and sound go…

July 15, 2014

Wars and Conflict
Trends in U.S. Military Spending

Military budgets are only one gauge of military power. A given financial commitment may be adequate or inadequate depending on the number and capability of a nation's adversaries, how well a country …