18 Results for:

February 1, 2016

Remedial Education: Federal Education Policy

The scorecard infographic and accompanying progress report, "Remedial Education: Federal Education Policy," highlights the main challenges facing the U.S. education system and assesses whether federal education policy is effectively addressing them.


November 17, 1999

Who Decides? Congress and the Debate Over Trade Policy in 1934 and 1974

Introduction Governor Adlai E. Stevenson thought trade policy was boring; he once described it as one field where the greatest need is for fresh clichés. He had a point. In the long period that th…

February 1, 2016

Trading Up: U.S. Trade and Investment Policy

The scorecard infographic and accompanying progress report, "Trading Up: U.S. Trade and Investment Policy," analyzes the overall health of the U.S. economy by focusing on shifts in global trade and foreign direct investment in the United States.


February 1, 2016

Road to Nowhere: Federal Transportation Infrastructure Policy

In the first installment of the Renewing America Progress Report and Scorecards, "Road to Nowhere: Federal Transportation Infrastructure Policy" provides a critical assessment of federal transportation policy, including background on major policy initiatives and analysis of what's needed to start moving forward.
