60 Results for:

January 6, 2015

Global Economics Monthly: January 2015

Steven A. Tananbaum Senior Fellow for International Economics Robert Kahn argues that the Russian economy is not yet facing a full-blown economic and financial crisis. An upturn in inflation and a deeper recession will be the real tests in the coming months.

November 15, 2012

Grand Strategy
Democratic Internationalism

Overview In this International Institutions and Global Governance Working Paper, Daniel Deudney and G. John Ikenberry trace the history of liberal internationalism and find that the existing U.S. …

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December 6, 2018

A New Old Threat

China is once again conducting cyber-enabled theft of U.S. intellectual property to advance its technological capabilities. To combat the problem, the United States should build a multinational coali…

Trump, Bolton, and Xi at G20

September 26, 2016

A Winning Trade Policy for the United States

Overview The once-bipartisan consensus favoring agreements that reduce barriers to trade and investment has broken down, largely because of a decades-long failure of policy to facilitate the adjus…

A Winning Trade Policy for  the United States header

July 22, 2013

Labor and Employment
Building the American Workforce

Overview There has never been greater urgency for expanding and improving U.S. workforce training programs. To an unprecedented extent, employers now need and expect applicants with "middle skills…

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