54 Results for:

June 10, 2024

How Will the EU Elections Results Change Europe?

Far-right advances in the European Parliament elections have destabilized politics in France, a longstanding pillar of the European Union, and highlighted fault lines in the bloc.

February 12, 2024

What Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview Means for the War in Ukraine

In last week’s rare interview with a Western media figure, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to combine a more reasonable tone with endless reminders of why Western governments think he’s not re…

Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with U.S. television host Tucker Carlson in Moscow.

June 14, 2022

United States
How Is Biden Handling DACA?

The Obama-era policy protecting young undocumented immigrants from deportation has faced a raft of legal challenges. It could be up to the Supreme Court to decide the program’s fate.

October 19, 2023

Latin America
Ecuador’s 2023 Election: What Noboa’s Victory Means

Daniel Noboa Azín is the youngest president in Ecuador’s history and faces immediate challenges in tackling the country’s grave economic and security crises.

July 31, 2023

Defeated and Detained, Islamic State Still Poses Extremism Threat

Years after defeating the Islamic State on the battlefield, world governments are now grappling with what to do with the thousands of war-related detainees in Syria.

February 27, 2020

A Popular Thai Opposition Party Was Disbanded. What Happens Next?

Thailand could be headed toward unrest after the disbandment of Future Forward Party, an opposition group popular among young people.

November 21, 2023

Climate Change
COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai: What to Expect

Scientists say governments need to act with more urgency to keep global warming in check. How much progress is possible at COP28?