9 Results for:

March 25, 2022

United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II Is the Monarch of Fifteen Countries. What Does That Mean?

Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of fourteen countries in addition to the United Kingdom. Barbados’s transition to a republic has revived debate over the future of the Crown.

September 9, 2022

United Kingdom
What Will King Charles III Mean for the British Monarchy Overseas?

The succession from Queen Elizabeth II to Charles could accelerate anti-monarchy movements in countries where the Crown is still head of state.

December 12, 2023

Democratic Republic of Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo Holds Tense Elections: What to Know

Congo’s elections on December 20 are unlikely to deliver meaningful change to address massive insecurity in the east, corruption scandals, and persistent poverty.

July 3, 2019

United States
Why Iran Tensions Are Rekindling the AUMF Debate

A look at the post-9/11 war powers law that the Trump administration could use to justify conflict with Iran.

October 18, 2019

Canada’s Election: What to Watch

Canada’s federal election poses a stiff test for the governing Liberal Party, with implications for its global role on issues such as climate change.