262 Results for:

November 19, 2019

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
What’s Behind Washington’s Unsettling West Bank Announcement?

By announcing that Israeli settlements do not violate international law, the Trump administration continues a pattern of policy shifts that further weakens the prospects for Palestinian statehood.

January 6, 2020

The Coming Nuclear Crisis With Iran

Iran’s move to suspend cooperation with the 2015 nuclear deal threatens to further escalate already high tensions between Washington and Tehran.

June 8, 2020

Trump’s Sudden and Dangerous Troop Withdrawal From Germany

President Donald J. Trump’s order to withdraw nearly ten thousand U.S. troops from Germany betrays a close ally, undermines confidence in Washington, and makes Europe and the United States less safe…

October 28, 2019

Islamic State
Islamic State Leader’s Death Does Little to Ease Syria Concerns

A U.S. military operation that eliminated Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is welcome but fails to allay worries about the security vacuum caused by the removal of U.S. troops from northern …

April 21, 2020

Israel’s Unusual Crisis Coalition: What to Expect

Benjamin Netanyahu and his top political rival have made a pact amid a pandemic, prolonging the embattled prime minister’s political career and likely reinforcing Israel’s nationalistic direction.