229 Results for:

October 23, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Israel’s Ground War Against Hamas: What to Know

A major ground campaign in the Gaza Strip will display Israel’s overwhelming military force, but the country faces a steep challenge in its goal of eradicating Hamas, as well as in finding a workable…

Israeli soldiers patrol an area near Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip.

September 19, 2023

United States
Biden at the UN: Inclusive Internationalism

Amid renewed calls for changes in the world order, U.S. President Joe Biden sought to stress his support for greater inclusion of developing nations in addressing economic, social, and climate concer…

August 24, 2023

Who Killed Yevgeny Prigozhin?

Numerous competing theories are likely to surface about the demise of the Russian paramilitary commander—all of which help explain Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

January 31, 2024

Pakistan Is on Edge Ahead of 2024 Elections

Pakistan’s military is set to again play kingmaker in elections that will determine how the nuclear-armed country grapples with an economic crisis, political upheaval aggravated by the arrest of Imra…

December 10, 2020

Climate Change
Biden’s Climate Change Policy: Why His Special Envoy Role Matters

President-Elect Joe Biden’s appointment of John Kerry to a newly created climate envoy position shows that he is committed to returning the United States to its status as a global leader on climate change.

January 21, 2021

Transition 2021
The Biden-Harris Inauguration: A Tense Tableau

The inauguration of President Joe Biden was unlike any U.S. power transition in modern times, providing stark imagery of a country at a crossroads.  

August 10, 2023

What Would Greenland’s Independence Mean for the Arctic?

Climate change is fueling geopolitical competition in the Arctic. An independent Greenland could play an important role in years to come.