72 Results for:

April 6, 2020

Sub-Saharan Africa
Trump’s Africa Policy Is Better Than It Looks

The Trump administration has largely continued U.S. policies in Africa aimed at building economic ties, political stability, and health care, but it lacks a strategy for the continent’s looming geopo…

February 27, 2020

A Popular Thai Opposition Party Was Disbanded. What Happens Next?

Thailand could be headed toward unrest after the disbandment of Future Forward Party, an opposition group popular among young people.

November 21, 2023

Climate Change
COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai: What to Expect

Scientists say governments need to act with more urgency to keep global warming in check. How much progress is possible at COP28?

September 19, 2023

United States
Biden at the UN: Inclusive Internationalism

Amid renewed calls for changes in the world order, U.S. President Joe Biden sought to stress his support for greater inclusion of developing nations in addressing economic, social, and climate concer…

September 21, 2018

Europe Wrestles With Hungary’s Populist Challenge

The European Parliament’s vote to reprimand Hungary over its growing authoritarianism has tested the EU’s readiness to stand up to illiberalism within the bloc.

anti orban protesters

August 17, 2022

Climate Change
What the Historic U.S. Climate Bill Gets Right and Gets Wrong

The Inflation Reduction Act promises the largest investment in climate action in U.S. history—$370 billion—and could lead to significant emissions reductions over the next decade.