309 Results for:

March 1, 2024

Iran’s Support of the Houthis: What to Know

Iranian support has boosted the military prowess of Yemen’s Houthis, helping them project force into the Red Sea. In return, the group has extended the reach of Iran’s anti-West axis of resistance.

February 8, 2024

Has Diplomacy Run Its Course in the Israel-Hamas War?

Continuing efforts to broker a deal throughout the Middle East still could succeed, despite the latest failed effort to pause the fighting in the Gaza Strip and secure a hostage release.

October 2, 2023

How Firm Is Vladimir Putin’s Grip on Power?

President Vladimir Putin appears to be in firm control of Russia today, but in order to maintain it in the years ahead, he will have to manage at least three primary challenges.

February 2, 2024

West Africa
ECOWAS Split Spells Trouble for Democracy in West Africa

Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have left the most important West African regional bloc due to escalating tensions over their democratic decline, leaving room for Russia to assert itself in the region…

September 27, 2023

What Ukraine Needs to Win the War Against Russia

If Western allies fail to send Ukraine the weapons it needs, the odds increase of the war dragging on indefinitely, at a terrible cost to both Ukraine and Russia and a growing risk to the wider world…

October 23, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Israel’s Ground War Against Hamas: What to Know

A major ground campaign in the Gaza Strip will display Israel’s overwhelming military force, but the country faces a steep challenge in its goal of eradicating Hamas, as well as in finding a workable…

Israeli soldiers patrol an area near Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip.

January 31, 2024

Pakistan Is on Edge Ahead of 2024 Elections

Pakistan’s military is set to again play kingmaker in elections that will determine how the nuclear-armed country grapples with an economic crisis, political upheaval aggravated by the arrest of Imra…

February 28, 2019

Algeria’s Protests: What to Know

Algerians are protesting in large numbers over moves to maintain ailing longtime leader Abdelaziz Bouteflika in power. The ruling elite faces a test of legitimacy that could spark unrest in a region …

 Algerian protesters in Paris hold a sign reading, "System get out, free Algeria."

October 16, 2023

Will Egypt Play a Role in Easing the Gaza War?

Egypt remains reluctant to welcome Palestinians seeking to flee Gaza as Israel prepares a retaliatory offensive against Hamas, and hopes of a Cairo-mediated cease-fire remain premature. Here’s what’s…