16 Results for:

November 7, 2018

Brazil’s Economy Under Bolsonaro

Jair Bolsonaro has vowed to overhaul Brazil’s economy and align the country more closely with the United States, with uncertain implications for its relations with China.

Bolsonaro waves to Brazilian flag

October 19, 2020

Election 2020
How Will U.S. Elections Be Judged by Other Democracies?

The 2020 U.S. election is threatened by pandemic-related disruptions as well as long-standing weaknesses that could undermine its legitimacy. How will international election observers judge the proce…

April 8, 2019

India’s Vast National Elections: What to Know

India is set to begin a mammoth six-week voting exercise to elect a new parliament amid high unemployment, conflict with Pakistan, and debates about its future as a secular nation.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks at the public rally at Brigade ground on April 3, 2019 in Kolkata, India.