36 Results for:

March 10, 2022

Latin America
Mexico's Democracy Is Crumbling Under AMLO

Halfway through his term, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is moving from bending democratic norms and laws to breaking them—a slide that the U.S. cannot afford to ignore.

Mexican president looks up and to the left

August 9, 2023

Latin America
A Ticking Clock for Latin America’s Nearshoring Opportunity

The window is still open for the region to benefit from the supply chain reshuffle—but not for much longer.

Panama Canal employees work in Panama City, Panama.

December 21, 2023

United States
These Eight Charts Show Why Fentanyl Is a Huge Foreign Policy Problem

Overdoses involving fentanyl and other synthetic opioids are the leading cause of death among young Americans and a threat to U.S. public health, the economy, and national security. Combating the epi…

October 1, 2009

Podcast: Regional Diplomacy on the Honduran Crisis

The de facto leader of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, declared a state of emergency on Monday, September 28, the latest in the political crisis that began with the ousting of President Manuel Zelaya i…

April 26, 2023

Mexico’s Carnage Has No Military Solution

To curb violence and drug trafficking, Mexico needs functioning civilian police forces and court systems, not US military strikes and boots on the ground.

Good luck with that. Photographer: Rodrigo Arangua/AFP via Getty Images

July 7, 2021

Latin America
A Socially Conservative Left Is Gaining Traction in Latin America

The electoral strength of the right is pushing Latin America’s leftists away from progressive causes.

Pedro Castillo speaks to a crowd