15 Results for:

December 19, 2018

Seven Silver Linings in 2018

This year saw progress in areas from species comebacks to space exploration.

Students celebrate in front of Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital after twelve soccer players and their coach were rescued from the Tham Luang cave complex in Thailand.

October 28, 2019

Syrian Women Helped Find Baghdadi, Beat ISIS, Will Face ‘Tough Time’ Ahead, Leader Says

'We will continue our resistance and our struggle,' says the head of the all-women’s YPJ, in a rare interview.

May 26, 2021

Sub-Saharan Africa
What’s Happening to Democracy in Africa?

The pandemic is exacerbating a decline of democracy across sub-Saharan Africa. To combat the trend, the United States and other partners should commit to the painstaking work of bolstering democratic…

A police officer sits on the hood of a vehicle in front of a gate with posters of opposition figures including Bobi Wine in Kampala, Uganda.