10 Results for:

May 14, 2024

On to Wisconsin: RealEcon Visits the Badger State

From ginseng farms to food-processing facilities, Wisconsin businesses shine light on how trade policy and foreign investment impact rural America.

Darin Von Ruden, the owner of the Von Ruden's Organic Dairy Farm walks on his farm in Westby, Wisconsin, on October 3, 2020. - In western Wisconsin, where family-run dairy farms dot the rolling green hills and eagle-watchers peer into the sparkling marshland, signs for Donald Trump and Joe Biden stand directly across each other on neighbors' yards. In a polarized United States where Democrats and Republicans increasingly self-segregate, this stretch of the Upper Midwest alongside the Mississippi River looks

December 19, 2018

Seven Silver Linings in 2018

This year saw progress in areas from species comebacks to space exploration.

Students celebrate in front of Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital after twelve soccer players and their coach were rescued from the Tham Luang cave complex in Thailand.

December 13, 2017

Ten Silver Linings in 2017

In a year of tumult, were there any positive trends? Experts point to a number of areas where progress was made, from reducing child mortality and poverty to improving women’s rights.

Lebanon Women's Rights

April 1, 2024

Leadership Starts With Listening

Building a durable consensus for U.S. economic leadership requires listening to what Americans think. The first stop in the RealEcon team's listening tour was Florida.

Matthew Goodman meets with students from

December 12, 2018

United Kingdom
The Bright Side of Britain’s Brexit Chaos

Despite a no-confidence vote, the odds of a stabilizing outcome have brightened.

An anti-Brexit demonstrator wears a Union flag decorated with the stars of the EU flag opposite the Houses of Parliament in London, Britain.

September 11, 2020

What to Know About the Afghan Peace Negotiations

The Center for Preventive Action has compiled an accessible overview of the Afghan peace negotiations, including the U.S.-Taliban agreement, the U.S.-Afghan government joint declaration, and the ongo…

An Afghan man walks past a wall painted with a photo of U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad in Kabul, Afghanistan, on April 13, 2020.