43 Results for:

November 17, 2020

Biden Can Clean Up Trump's Israeli-Palestinian Policy Mess, But Can He Broker Peace?

The president-elect knows only too well the failures of all the presidents who preceded him, and the hardening of positions that's occurred on both sides.

Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu

June 28, 2018

Middle East and North Africa
Jared Kushner’s Middle East Fantasy

In an interview with a Palestinian newspaper, the president’s son-in-law has revealed himself to be either strikingly naive or deeply cynical.

September 12, 2019

Israel Is Doing All the Dirty Work Against Iran

The United States came up with “maximum pressure”—but the Israeli government is the only one carrying it out.

Israeli soldiers charge a mortar shell

May 26, 2021

Sub-Saharan Africa
What’s Happening to Democracy in Africa?

The pandemic is exacerbating a decline of democracy across sub-Saharan Africa. To combat the trend, the United States and other partners should commit to the painstaking work of bolstering democratic…

A police officer sits on the hood of a vehicle in front of a gate with posters of opposition figures including Bobi Wine in Kampala, Uganda.

January 21, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
America Needs Protection. So Does the Regime.

The U.S. military secured Joe Biden’s inauguration. But the new administration also needs to treat the armed forces as a potential threat.