83 Results for:

September 10, 2019

Election 2020
The 2020 Presidential Candidates: In Their Own Words

The Democratic and Republican presidential contenders have begun defining their approach to major foreign policy issues as they jockey for position in their parties’ primaries.

The Presidential Seal

July 10, 2018

Trump Goes to Europe

President Trump goes to Europe this week. Its leaders are bracing for the impact.

Ints Kalnins/Reuters

March 1, 2023

United States
How Today Is Like the 1790s

Many of the supposedly unprecedented features of contemporary politics have familiar echoes in earlier American history, and so the best mirror in which to see our present moment clearly could be our…

An audience member holds up a phone with a case reading "Keep Calm and Defend the Constitution" during a "Get Out to Caucus" rally with U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in Cedar Rapids

October 29, 2018

Donald Trump
Commentary: How Trump Should, but Probably Won't, Confront Saudi Arabia

The latest Saudi explanation of what happened to journalist Jamal Khashoggi — that his murder was premeditated by his assailants — is no more acceptable an explanation than the earlier versions, that…

Khashoggi murder

October 1, 2018

A Blue Wave Won’t Rescue China

A “blue wave” in November isn’t likely to provide an off-ramp for what is shaping up as a years-long struggle between the United States and China over trade policy.
