21 Results for:

December 3, 2020

Middle East and North Africa
The Arab Spring at Ten Years: What’s the Legacy of the Uprisings?

Ten years on, the lives of people in Arab Spring countries have improved in certain aspects but worsened in others. CFR.org visualizes the changes in Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen…

A young man holding the Egyptian flag sits on someone's shoulders and shouts during a protest at Cairo’s Tahrir Square.

September 15, 2022

United Nations
Survival Governance at the UN General Assembly

The annual General Assembly debate is happening at a time of cascading challenges on health, climate, and human security. Can the United Nations carve a path through?

UNGA session president hits a gavel against a podium.

February 3, 2021

China’s Abuse of the Uighurs: Does the Genocide Label Fit?

While multiple reports indicate that China has committed major abuses of the Uighur minority group, determining the most serious charges is difficult.

Chinese flags on a road leading to a facility in China’s northwestern Xinjiang region believed to be a reeducation camp where mostly Muslim ethnic minorities are detained.

August 18, 2020

Conflict Prevention
Peace, Conflict, and COVID-19

The Center for Preventive Action has created this resource for those seeking information and analysis about the effects of COVID-19 on peace and conflict.

Three men wearing protective clothing and masks--two of whom have guns--stand guard in front of cars parked in the middle of a debris-ridden street during a twenty-four hour curfew in Sanaa, Yemen, on May 6, 2020.