32 Results for:

February 24, 2022

Nigeria’s All Too Familiar Corruption Ranking Begs Broader Questions Around Normative Collapse

Released last month, the 2021 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) confirmed what many Nigerians know intuitively—that a steady stream of official antigraft rhetoric has hardly made a dent on what many agree is the most formidable perennial challenge to the country’s long-term stability. President Buhari’s sentiment to the effect that “if Nigeria does not kill corruption, then corruption will kill Nigeria,” is widely shared. Not only is Nigeria down five places from its 2020 ranking, its total score of twenty-four out of a maximum one hundred points represents a drop for the third successive year, making it West Africa’s second most corrupt country. Guinea-Bissau, still reeling from a failed military takeover in early February, holds the dubious honor of being the most corrupt.  

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari wearing gray traditional clothing and glasses sitting with a binder on his lap.

May 26, 2021

Sub-Saharan Africa
What’s Happening to Democracy in Africa?

The pandemic is exacerbating a decline of democracy across sub-Saharan Africa. To combat the trend, the United States and other partners should commit to the painstaking work of bolstering democratic…

A police officer sits on the hood of a vehicle in front of a gate with posters of opposition figures including Bobi Wine in Kampala, Uganda.

March 26, 2020

Syrian Civil War
Syria’s Revenge on the World Will Be a Second Wave of Coronavirus

The pandemic will soon magnify the threats festering in the Middle East’s longest-running war.

December 8, 2020

2020 in Review
2020: The Year’s Historic News in Graphics

Extreme natural occurrences. Police brutality and racism. A global pandemic. CFR breaks down 2020’s biggest news with graphics.

July 15, 2019

Trump's Iran Policy Proves the Primacy of U.S. Power—but to What End?

As Iran slowly untethers itself from the Iran nuclear deal’s central constraints on enriched uranium, signaling the deal’s potential collapse, President Trump is proving that U.S. unilateral power re…
