389 Results for:

November 4, 2008

Politics and Government
Presidential Transitions and Foreign Policy

The handoff of foreign policy responsibility from one U.S. presidential administration to another has proven risky in many cases. The next transition occurs at a time of extraordinary global challeng…

May 12, 2009

Vatican City
Vatican-Israel Relations

Relations between the Vatican and Israel are a complex combination of diplomacy mixed with interfaith discussion.

September 30, 2011

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Threat of Homegrown Islamist Terrorism

An increase in terror incidents involving Islamic radicals who are U.S. citizens is vexing law enforcement officials and posing new questions about the roots of their radicalization.

February 9, 2010

Peru’s Mineral Wealth and Woes

Peru has avoided the development problems seen in other extraction-dependent economies, but experts say the country faces governance hurdles, especially on the environment.

September 23, 2011

Nuclear Power Safety Concerns

Damage to Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has reignited debate over the safety of nuclear power and highlighted questions over aging power plants, safety procedures, and waste disposal…