40 Results for:

October 18, 2005

What are the main issues in the debate over CAFTA?

This publication is now archived. What are the main issues in the debate over CAFTA?The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), currently under consideration in the U.S. Congress, would create…

March 8, 2019

United States
The U.S. Trade Deficit: How Much Does It Matter?

President Trump has made reducing the U.S. trade deficit a priority, blaming trade deals like NAFTA, but economists disagree over how policymakers should respond.

Chinese steel factory

February 4, 2005

AFRICA: Mugabe’s Zimbabwe

This publication is now archived. What’s the current situation in Zimbabwe?President Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s leader since independence in 1980, maintains his grip on power. Under his rule, the coun…

September 23, 2009

International Organizations
Twenty Agendas at G-20, Part II

Leaders attending the Group of 20 summit in Pittsburgh will seek to forge agreements to buoy a global economic recovery and repair financial imbalances that contributed to the recession.

February 17, 2017

Media Censorship in China

China’s central government has cracked down on press freedom as the country expands its international influence, but in the internet age, many of its citizens hunger for a free flow of information.

Security guards block a journalist from taking photos in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.