337 Results for:

May 4, 2020

Coronavirus: How Are Countries Responding to the Economic Crisis?

The coronavirus pandemic is slowing global commerce to a crawl, but many of the world’s largest economies are taking extraordinary actions to propel them through the crisis.

A pedestrian wearing a protective face mask amid the the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is reflected on a screen displaying stock prices outside a brokerage in Tokyo, Japan, on March 17, 2020.

December 5, 2023

Climate Change
Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures

International efforts, such as the Paris Agreement, aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But experts say countries aren’t doing enough to limit dangerous global warming.

Muddy waters nearly submerge lines of cars during a flood in Colorado, United States.

June 30, 2017

G20 (Group of Twenty)
What to Know About the Hamburg G20 Summit

The G20 summit comes amid tensions over trade, climate, and refugee policy and increased uncertainty over the U.S. commitment to multilateral institutions.

General view of the inner city in Hamburg, Germany.

October 12, 2023

International Organizations
The World Bank Group’s Role in Global Development

Since its founding in 1944, the World Bank has evolved from a lender focused on European reconstruction to the preeminent international institution for economic development and poverty reduction.

A woman reads in front of a chalkboard in an outdoor classroom in Niger.

May 25, 2011

International Organizations
The G8 Agenda: Mideast Push

Mideast upheaval was a top issue at the G8, which is winding down today in France, along with nuclear safety, leadership of the IMF, and aid to Africa. This Backgrounder profiles the eight participan…

March 14, 2012

United States
U.S. Trade Policy

Trade accounts for an increasing portion of the U.S. economy, and the Obama administration has embraced a ramped up export strategy. But debate persists over the merits of a vigorous free trade agend…