106 Results for:

January 8, 2009

Terrorists and the Internet

Terrorists increasingly turn to the Internet as a means of communication with one another and with the rest of the world. This article describes how terrorists have cultivated the web to suit their n…

July 13, 2006

Palestinian Territories
Profile of Khaled Meshal (aka Khalid Meshaal, Khaleed Mash’al)

From his exile in Syria, Khaled Meshal, the top ranked member of Hamas, exercises leadership and serves as the group’s diplomatic envoy.

October 16, 2007

How Libya Got Off the List

Libya, for years a thorn in the side of U.S. policymakers, has boosted its profile in recent years, renouncing terrorism and abandoning its WMD. In response, the U.S. State Department has removed Lib…

August 29, 2005

BANGLADESH: Nationwide Attacks Raise Fears of Growing Islamist Presence

This publication is now archived. The August 17 AttacksOn August 17, a series of 459 bombs exploded throughout Bangladesh within forty minutes, killing two people and injuring more than 120. The blas…

December 11, 2006

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Targets for Terrorists: Chemical Facilities

Attacks on U.S. chemical facilities have the potential to affect thousands, possibly millions of people, yet many of them remain poorly secured. Legislation to improve security standards has been wat…