440 Results for:

February 5, 2024

Argentina’s Struggle for Stability

Argentina has struggled with political dysfunction and financial crises for decades. What could firebrand President Javier Milei mean for Argentina’s economy and role in the world?

A supporter holds up a $100 bill sign of then President-Elect Javier Milei in December 2023.

October 20, 2023

Monetary Policy
What Is the U.S. Federal Reserve?

Over the past decade, the Fed kept interest rates low while it deployed trillions of dollars in stimulus and expanded its regulatory oversight. Now, the central bank is back in the spotlight for its …

A stone bald eagle perches on the Federal Reserve building in Washington, DC.

February 8, 2024

Why China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense

Taiwan has the potential to be a flash point in U.S.-China relations. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taipei in 2022 heightened tensions.

A statue of a Taiwanese soldier looks over the Taiwan straight at a Chinese city.

November 18, 2005

U.S.-Venezuelan Relations

This publication is now archived. What recent developments have upset U.S.-Venezuelan relations?Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made headlines at the November Summit of the Americas by helping to un…

October 28, 2005

Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa’s Food Crisis

This publication is now archived. World’s hardest-hitIn quantitative terms, there is enough food available to feed the world’s 6.4 billion people, but 852 million people will still go hungry this yea…

November 9, 2011

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Closing Guantanamo?

President Obama vowed in January 2009 to close the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. Two years later, the White House continues to face challenges to that promise, leaving critics to suggest the facilit…