59 Results for:

May 31, 2024

U.S. Foreign Policy
Washington’s Ill-Fated Mideast Ambitions

U.S. administrations have backed sweeping efforts for societal change in the Middle East in recent decades, with poor results. But Washington can still achieve more modest, essential goals in the reg…

U.S. Marines walk toward a helicopter while carrying a portrait of toppled Iraqi President Saddam Hussein

October 13, 2016

The Mixed Legacy of King Bhumibol Adulyadej

The long-reigning Thai king’s tacit support of military coups over the last decade undercuts his past image as a force for stability. 

February 17, 2011

Global Governance
The G20’s Continuing Policy Drift

Instead of addressing serious problems in global imbalances, the February 18-19 meeting of the G20 finance minister is poised to go astray with ineffectual talks on reforming the international moneta…

November 22, 2013

The Threat to Myanmar’s Awakening

Civil unrest and public anger about the slow pace of change could destabilize Myanmar and the region just as the country is opening up politically, writes CFR’s Joshua Kurlantzick.

April 13, 2011

How to Reshape Post-Crisis Japan

Japan’s ability to rebound from its triple disaster in March will require more than just rebuilding; it will demand restructuring in areas from energy and farm policy to decentralization of power, wr…