346 Results for:

January 22, 2019

The U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy Needs More Indian Ocean

Washington will need to identify and commit to specific goals in the Indo-Pacific if this geographic and strategic approach is to be successful.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and U.S. President Trump hold a joint news conferences at the White House.

September 22, 2010

Upping the Ante in China-Japan Clash

The escalating dispute between Beijing and Tokyo about Japan’s detention of a Chinese fishing boat captain is a challenge for Washington and raises concerns about Chinese maritime activities in the A…

September 19, 2012

Political Movements
Japan, China, and the Tide of Nationalism

Escalating friction between Japan and China in the East China Sea is becoming more difficult to contain, fed by political opportunism in both countries, says CFR’s Sheila Smith.

July 23, 2012

South China Sea: From Bad to Worse?

ASEAN has failed to ease tensions over the South China Sea this summer, but China and its neighbors still have options for restoring calm, writes CFR’s Joshua Kurlantzick.

December 21, 2016

Abe and Obama: Reconciliation and the Rebalance

The meeting of U.S. and Japanese leaders in Pearl Harbor will be a reminder of the remarkable journey that transformed the two countries from adversaries to allies.