17 Results for:

September 19, 2012

Political Movements
Japan, China, and the Tide of Nationalism

Escalating friction between Japan and China in the East China Sea is becoming more difficult to contain, fed by political opportunism in both countries, says CFR’s Sheila Smith.

December 29, 2009

Nigeria’s Leadership Vacuum

The leadership void caused by the illness of Nigerian President Umaru Yar’adua could lead to domestic upheaval and a succession crisis, writes CFR’s John Campbell.

June 9, 2014

Syria: Humanitarian Disaster—and Security Threat

Syria’s civil war poses an expanding threat to the region and beyond. Washington should seize the opportunity that still exists to weaken the Assad regime, writes CFR’s Elliott Abrams.

June 18, 2010

Defense and Security
Building African Partnerships to Defeat Piracy

A global naval coalition has failed to halt Somali-based piracy. More effective would be a broader approach to maritime policing that integrates African authorities, writes CFR’s Michael L. Baker.