202 Results for:

February 23, 2017

Better a Stalemate Than Defeat in Afghanistan

Without a major surge in force levels, the best outcome that the United States can hope for in Afghanistan is that the Taliban will tire of fighting and pursue peace, writes CFR’s Max Boot.

March 23, 2009

Human Rights
Stopping Bashir: Obama’s "Never Again" Moment of Truth

CFR’s Stewart Patrick and Kaysie Brown argue that the United States must take a hard line with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir if it hopes to end the crisis in Darfur.  

December 13, 2010

Wars and Conflict
The ’Conditions-Based’ Afghan Loophole

U.S. strategy in Afghanistan should be in line with the Obama administration’s political goals of defeating al-Qaeda rather than devoting resources to long-term nation building, says CFR’s Gian Genti…

January 19, 2011

U.S.-China Exchange Rate Thicket

China’s exchange rate policy will dominate the economic dialogue between the United States and China during President Hu’s state visit to Washington. There’s scant hope differences can be resolved, s…

August 6, 2009

U.S. Policy Shift Needed in the Horn of Africa

CFR’s Bronwyn Bruton says the U.S.-Ethiopia security partnership is undermining U.S. counterterror goals in Somalia. If the United States hopes to play a constructive role in Somalia, it must address…