66 Results for:

January 21, 2010

United States
Financial Regulation’s Fatal Flaw

Congress’ call for a new federal agency to oversee insurers still relies too heavily on ill-equipped state regulators to stem risks posed by bond insurers, traders, and reinsurers, writes CFR’s Marc …

June 30, 2011

Economic Crises
The Folly of U.S. Debt Brinkmanship

Gridlock over raising the debt ceiling has already tarnished Washington’s image and failure to address the problem in one month could cause enormous global financial upheaval, writes CFR’s Sebastian …

May 6, 2010

United States
The Debate over Foreign Aid

It’s important to evaluate foreign aid programs and address questions of accountability and value, especially at a time of concern about the economy, but cuts or reductions in foreign assistance supp…

April 14, 2010

Human Rights
For Obama, Vexing Detainee Decisions Loom

The Obama administration, at first swift to move away from Bush-era detainee practices, has found itself struggling through a political and legal thicket about where and how to try those accused of w…

October 9, 2014

United States
A Pivotal Moment for U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

The Obama administration’s review of its nuclear spending will shape the country’s arsenal for decades to come and could be the president’s final chance to influence arms control, writes CFR’s Adam M…