58 Results for:

May 5, 2011

United States
The Budget Deficit and U.S. Competitiveness

What are the implications for U.S. global competitiveness of running large budget deficits, and what should be done to reign in the fiscal shortfall? Five experts provide their take on the risks and …

November 3, 2010

President Obama’s Asian Agenda

What will Obama focus on during his upcoming Asia trip? CFR experts Evan Feigenbaum, Joshua Kurlantzick, Scott Snyder, Edward Alden, and Sheila Smith discuss the agendas for India, Indonesia, South K…

April 14, 2010

Is China a Currency Manipulator?

Six experts debate whether the Obama administration’s approach to China’s currency policy is the right one, and why.

May 28, 2010

United States
Obama’s NSS: Promise and Pitfalls

President Obama’s first National Security Strategy departs from Bush administration doctrine by redefining the war against terror groups and embracing multilateralism, and may expect too much from gl…

December 28, 2010

United States
Reviving U.S. Power Abroad from Within

Seven experts examine how resolving pressing domestic policy issues, from education to infrastructure, could help bolster U.S. leadership internationally.