116 Results for:

March 28, 2014

Will Presidential Elections Bring Stability to Afghanistan?

Afghanistan’s presidential election could be a democratic milestone, or may be marred by insurgent violence and fraud. Four experts weigh the election’s importance.

November 4, 2011

Can Trade Motor U.S. Economy?

Four experts weigh in on the role of free trade in driving U.S. economic growth and competitiveness amid high U.S. unemployment and a faltering global economic recovery.

November 3, 2010

President Obama’s Asian Agenda

What will Obama focus on during his upcoming Asia trip? CFR experts Evan Feigenbaum, Joshua Kurlantzick, Scott Snyder, Edward Alden, and Sheila Smith discuss the agendas for India, Indonesia, South K…

January 28, 2010

United States
The Tricky Path to U.S. Revival

President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address focused heavily, as expected, on domestic economic recovery and reasserting U.S. competitiveness. Six CFR experts noted different aspects of …

December 2, 2009

Assessing the Afghan Surge

In his address to the nation on Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama laid out a strategy he says will turn the tides in the faltering Afghan war effort. Five experts analyze his approach.