50 Results for:

December 19, 2013

What Happened to the Asia Pivot in 2013?

Experts weigh in on what happened to Obama’s Asia "pivot" in 2013, and give their projections of what 2014 will bring for regional policy.

October 17, 2011

United States
Cyberspace and U.S. Competitiveness

As the Internet continues to evolve as a medium for social and economic exchange, four experts suggest ways for the United States to improve its cyber competitiveness in the global marketplace.

May 28, 2010

United States
Obama’s NSS: Promise and Pitfalls

President Obama’s first National Security Strategy departs from Bush administration doctrine by redefining the war against terror groups and embracing multilateralism, and may expect too much from gl…

January 28, 2010

United States
The Tricky Path to U.S. Revival

President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address focused heavily, as expected, on domestic economic recovery and reasserting U.S. competitiveness. Six CFR experts noted different aspects of …

June 3, 2011

United States
U.S. Innovation and Economic Recovery

Rising unemployment and the threat of a Moody’s downgrade have highlighted the lagging economic recovery. While innovation is key to increasing U.S. global competitiveness, economists are divided ove…