30 Results for:

December 27, 2016

Prospects for the Global Economy in 2017

In the wake of a turbulent 2016, four experts analyze what’s in store for the global economy in the coming year, from China’s rebalancing efforts to the rise of populism in Europe.

September 21, 2015

How to Improve U.S.-China Relations

The U.S.-China summit comes amid tensions over cybersecurity and regional disputes and crucial questions about economic policy. Five experts weigh in on how to manage the relationship.

December 24, 2015

Prospects for the Global Economy in 2016

What’s in store next year for the global economy? Five experts weigh in on the challenges facing the eurozone, the fragility of emerging markets, and the prospects for clean energy.

February 14, 2011

United States
The U.S. Budget’s Tightrope Act

The White House’s proposed budget for FY2012 tries to balance spending cuts with investment to boost competitiveness. CFR experts examine how well it handles deficit reduction, defense, foreign aid, …

May 28, 2010

United States
Obama’s NSS: Promise and Pitfalls

President Obama’s first National Security Strategy departs from Bush administration doctrine by redefining the war against terror groups and embracing multilateralism, and may expect too much from gl…