78 Results for:

December 16, 2010

United States
Weighing an Ambitious QDDR

Four CFR fellows weigh in on the effectiveness of the State Department’s Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review recommendations.

March 22, 2012

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Iran Talks: What Should Be on the Table?

Upcoming negotiations are shadowed by Iran’s increasing uranium enrichment capabilities. Four nonproliferation experts provide a path for resolving the intensifying nuclear dispute.

March 8, 2010

United States
The Immigration Economy

Four experts debate whether Obama’s immigration reform plan, including an expanded path to legalization, would help or harm U.S. workers and economic growth.  

May 27, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
The North Korean Puzzle

North Korea’s nuclear test raises new concerns about its nuclear capabilities, regime succession, and the limits of both international pressure and engagement. Four experts address the policy options…

July 12, 2010

What the Russian Spy Case Reveals

The arrest of ten alleged Russian agents in U.S. suburbs raises questions about the nature of spying in the twenty-first century. Former U.S. spies discuss the enduring need for intelligence collecte…