122 Results for:

July 14, 2011

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
9/11 Perspectives: How America Changed its Projection of Power

This video is part of a special Council on Foreign Relations series that explores how 9/11 changed international relations and U.S. foreign policy. In this video, Foreign Affairs Editor Gideon Rose a…

May 4, 2011

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Bin Laden May Become More Powerful Dead

Ed Husain, Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, says that Osama bin Laden is more valuable to al-Qaeda dead than alive. Comparing bin Laden’s death to that of Sayyid Qutb, Husain argues…

May 25, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
How Artificial Intelligence Could Change the World

Artificial Intelligence (AI) could transform economies, politics, and everyday life. Some experts believe this increasingly powerful technology could lead to amazing advances and prosperity. Yet, man…


April 23, 2021

What to Know About the Conflict in Ethiopia

Three years ago, Abiy Ahmed came to power with promises of peace. Now, jarring reports of killings and sexual violence have come out of Tigray, Ethiopia’s northernmost region. Here’s what to know abo…


May 2, 2022

After Seventy-Five Years, Will Japan Strengthen Its Military?

Since it went into effect seventy-five years ago, Japan’s constitution has prevented the country from engaging in combat. But China’s growing military power and North Korea’s increasing threats raise…
