54 Results for:

June 12, 2019

United States
Congressional Oversight: A Conversation with Jim Jordan

Representative Jim Jordan discusses the political challenges facing Congress and his role as ranking member on the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Play Congressional Oversight: A Conversation with Jim Jordan

October 15, 2021

Brexit: The Future of Northern Ireland and Scotland

Panelists discuss the ongoing challenges in the post-Brexit process, the prospects that Northern Ireland and Scotland could leave the United Kingdom via referendums, and the possible implications for…

Play The European Union flag and the United Kingdom Flag

October 25, 2019

U.S.-Turkey Relations: The Shifting Nature of Two NATO Allies

Panelists discuss Turkey’s domestic politics, its recent actions in northern Syria, and the shifting nature of U.S.-Turkish relations in the three years since the attempted July 2016 coup. LAIPSON…

Play U.S.-Turkey Relations

May 28, 2020

A Conversation With Senator Chris Murphy

Please join Senator Chris Murphy as he discusses the latest on Congress and COVID-19, and the progressive foreign policy debate.

Play Senator Chris Murphy speaks on Capitol Hill with Sen. Bill Cassidy and Sen. Tim Kaine sitting next to him.

August 3, 2020

A Conversation with House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn

Please join House Majority Whip James Clyburn as he discusses the latest on Congress's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Play House Majority Whip James Clyburn stands next to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi at Capitol Hill with three U.S. flags behind them