124 Results for:

April 5, 2013

Grand Strategy
A New Push for Mideast Peace

Secretary of State John Kerry is launching new Mideast shuttle diplomacy, but President Obama’s commitment to brokering an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement remains to be seen, says expert Martin I…

November 19, 2013

Behind the Growing U.S.-Israeli Rift

Tensions between the United States and Israel over Iran negotiations have jeopardized peace talks with Palestinians and left Israel vowing to go it alone on security if necessary, says expert Gerald …

August 7, 2013

Japan Boosts the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Japan’s decision to participate in Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations has made the trade agreement "almost irresistible" and poised for expansion, says expert Mireya Solís.

March 16, 2014

Why the Crimean Referendum Is Illegitimate

The vote by some Crimean citizens to join Russia violates Ukrainian and international law and could come back to haunt Moscow, its primary backer, says CFR’s John Bellinger.

October 28, 2009

The Tragedy of Palestinian Divisions

Expert Rashid Khalidi says it is crucial for Palestinian rivals Hamas and Fatah to reconcile to effectively negotiate a two-state solution with Israel or face a troubling status quo.