18 Results for:

March 23, 2016

Brussels Bombings Threaten European Unity

The twin bombings in Brussels have exposed the need for closer European security cooperation at the same time that anti-EU political forces are on the rise, says expert Ian Lesser.

June 29, 2015

United States
Steering a New Course on Foreign Policy

As election season approaches, and global crises in Greece and elsewhere intensify, U.S. foreign policy is in a state of drift that puts the United States at the risk of falling behind its rivals, sa…

January 28, 2015

Will Greece Trigger a European Crisis?

Greece’s new political leadership is set to challenge the German-led austerity policies in Europe, which could spur the rise of more anti-establishment movements across the continent, says political …

October 12, 2012

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Drone Politics in Pakistan

Protests in Pakistan led by politician Imran Khan show how U.S. drone strikes are being exploited in the run-up to the general election, says expert Joshua Foust.

March 27, 2012

North Korea
North Korea’s Transition Dilemma

A planned satellite launch by North Korea has suspended U.S. food aid. CFR’s Scott Snyder says that Pyongyang is grappling with whether to choose international legitimacy or domestic political consol…