70 Results for:

February 19, 2008

Elections and Voting
Grare: Pakistan Facing Period of ‘Governmental Instability’

Frederic Grare, a French expert on South Asia, says Pakistan faces a period of instability as the leading opposition parties ponder whether to impeach President Pervez Musharraf and how to apportion …

April 8, 2014

Fraud Fears Loom Over Afghan Transition

Widespread election fraud could undermine Afghanistan’s first democratic transfer of power and throw the country into chaos, says CFR’s Stephen Biddle.

August 21, 2009

Beyond Elections, Fixing the Afghan State

Elizabeth Rubin, a journalist who has reported extensively on Afghanistan, says beyond the presidential elections, U.S. officials must become more closely involved in improving Afghan governance or f…

July 31, 2013

Can Iran’s Rowhani Bring Change?

A clear sign of a new Iranian nuclear posture will be if incoming president Hassan Rowhani pursues bilateral talks with the United States, says former top U.S. arms official Gary Samore.

September 22, 2016

Afghanistan at an Inflection Point

Afghanistan’s unity government has made progress on reform but remains dogged by endemic corruption and a resilient insurgency.